Theatre & Music
Announcing 2022 Presser Scholar
The Presser Foundation was established in 1939 under the Deeds of Trust and Will of the late Theodore Presser. It is one of the ... continue reading
For the School of Theatre and Music, the show must go on, even during a pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic pushed classes and most of the campus online at the University of Illinois Chicago, UIC’s School of Theatre & Music ... continue reading
Theatre BLM Solidarity Statement, Action Steps, and Land Acknowledgment
9.2.20 UIC THEATRE BLM SOLIDARITY STATEMENTThis summer we have been wrestling with how to proceed in the righting of institutional racism that has methodically ... continue reading
Land Acknowledgment
9.2.20 The UIC School of Theatre and Music sits on the traditional homeland of the original peoples of the area: the Three Fires Confederacy ... continue reading
Bridge to the Faculty Fellowship
10.21.20 STM has been awarded a Bridge to the Faculty fellowship. A committee of eight UIC faculty and administrators from various disciplines reviewed applications ... continue reading
Fall 2020 Covid-19 Updates
8.27.2020 STM COVID-19 HANDBOOK (FOR STUDENTS AND FACULTY)Click here for all information on Covid-19 including general guidelines; testing, training and reporting; theatre guidelines; music ... continue reading
Sad News: A Time for Support
The UIC School of Theatre and Music community is deeply saddened to announce the passing of José Oliver Riojas. The cause of Professor Riojas’ ... continue reading
Lydia Diamond in The New York Times: on racism
“Until you show me institutional change, I don’t want to hear it.” On June 10, 2020, UIC School of Theatre and Music Clinical Associate ... continue reading
Lydia Diamond in the New York Times: On Racism
Lydia Diamond, Clinical Associate Professor at UIC’s School of Theatre and Music, was featured in the New York Times as one of four voices ... continue reading
A Message of Solidarity
Dear School of Theatre and Music Students, Staff, and Faculty, We write to affirm that we, a diverse community of artists and educators, condemn ... continue reading
Senior Capstone
Students performed and produced a variety of creative projects, demonstrating their authorship, performance, direction, and creativity as part of their Senior Capstone. Congratulations to ... continue reading
Tribute: Associate Professor Emeritus, William “Bill” F. Raffeld
It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that Associate Professor Emeritus, William “Bill” F. Raffeld, passed away peacefully on May ... continue reading
THTR 333 Student Final Projects: Antigonstein
Direction: a kaleidoscopic investigation of the tragedy of Antigone. Inspired by five versions of the play: Antigone by Jean Anouilh, Antigonick by Anne Carson, ... continue reading