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Art & Art History

Voices: Letha Wilson

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Gallery 400
400 S. Peoria St.

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Letha Wilson is a mixed-media artist who works in sculpture, photography, and installation. Wilson will present an artist talk on her current projects and artistic process.

Using images and materials from the natural landscape as a starting point for interpretation and confrontation, Wilson often explores the magnetic pull of the American West, alluding to landscape’s intrinsic role in our own myths of reinvention, endless possibility, and inevitable promise. In her photo-based sculptures, the ability for a photograph to transport the viewer is both called upon, and questioned; sculptural intervention attempts to compensate for the photograph’s failure to encompass the physical site it represents. Landscape photography as a genre is approached with equal parts reverence and skepticism. In another body of work, site-specific installations juxtapose re-claimed wood and drywall material in innovative ways that respond to both interior and outdoors environments, and comment on the glut of material discarded in the contemporary art exhibition cycle.

Wilson’s work has been shown at Brooklyn Academy of Music, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, International Center for Photography, and the Essl Museum of Contemporary Art.