Art & Art History
Voices: Judith Rodenbeck

Judith Rodenbeck.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria Street
Gallery 400 Lecture Room
400 South Peoria Street
Judith Rodenbeck is interested in art s compositional strategies and intersections between modernist literature, philosophy, and the visual arts. She is co-author and co-curator with Benjamin Buchloh of Experiments in the Everyday: Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts Events, Objects, DocumentsWork Ethic and Inside the VisibleGrey Room, The Art Book, Documents, and P-Form.
Rodenbeck has received several fellowships including the Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Fellowship in American Art and the Columbia University Mellon Fellowship for Art History. She is a professor of Modern and Contemporary Art at Sarah Lawrence College in New York.