Art & Art History
Voices from Standing Rock

Gallery 400
400 S. Peoria St.
Join us for a series of special gatherings of scholars, activists, and leaders from the Lakota Nation’s Standing Rock protest against the “Dakota Access Pipeline”.
ICE special guests include Standing Rock Lakota Nation Leaders:
Dr.Kelly Morgan – Tribal Archeologist;
Doug Crow Ghost – Water Resource Director;
Starla Andrews – Education Department.
Open critiques will be guided by leaders of Standing Rock and our communities to people who register in advance through SAIC’s Office of Multicultural Affairs. Submit project documentation and brief artist/project statement by midnight, April 16 to with subject heading:“Submission to Standing Rock ICE” . These critiques are open to creatives of all levels. Participants can also join the conversation
without presenting work.
The Intersectionality Critique Exchange, designed by Rashayla Marie Brown, is a unique opportunity to build community with folks from other schools and visiting artists around Chicago.