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Art & Art History

The Earth Will Not Abide: Closing Reception

Saturday, June 10, 2017
Gallery 400
400 S. Peoria St.

view times

Join the artists of The Earth Will Not Abide as they close this chapter of their long-running collective inquiry.

5–6pm: View the exhibition and chat with the artists
6–7pm: Each artist gives a short talk about their piece, their process, and future directions
7pm: Head out somewhere nearby for drinks and/or dinner!

The Earth Will Not Abide poses questions about the ecological and social viability of industrial agriculture and extractive land use. The artist projects—spanning video, creative mapping, paintings, and installation—comprise an aesthetic response to these questions. The exhibition attempts to understand the rapid transformations in land use, biological diversity, and social structures wrought by these monocultures and envision how the analytical tools of political ecology allow us to visualize and critique this subject, while also pointing us in the direction of viable responses.