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Art & Art History

Opening Reception: Chicago New Media 1973-1992

A photograph of a virtual

Dan Sandin

Thursday, November 01, 2018
Gallery 400
400 S. Peoria Street
Chicago, IL 60607

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Join us to celebrate the opening of Chicago New Media 1973-1992 at Gallery 400.

Although Chicago is not often thought of as an epicenter for new media art, technology, or industry, the city was home to some of the earliest and most important experiments in new media in the late 20th century. Chicago New Media 1973–1992 chronicles Chicago’s contributions to new media art by artists who worked at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Electronic Visualization Laboratory (UIC’s EVL), the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), and Midway Games and Bally. Presented in a partnership between Video Game Art Gallery (VGA) and Gallery 400 with support from UIC’s EVL, this exhibition features video game artifacts, new media technologies, historical photographs, game stills, playable video game consoles, and virtual reality modules.