Lecture: Gabriele Mastrigli

Wedensday, April 4, 5:30 pm
Gabriele Mastrigli is Associate Professor at the University of Camerino where he teaches Architecture History and Theory. He has previously taught at Cornell University and the Berlage Institute of Rotterdam. His articles and essays have appeared in several international magazines and journals including “Domus”, “Log” and “Lotus International”. He edited Junkspace, a critical anthology of Rem Koolhaas’ seminal writings (Quodlibet, 2006; Payot, 2011). Recently, he published the extensive archival research on the Florentine radical group Superstudio (Quodlibet, 2016) and curated Superstudio 50, an exhibition at Maxxi in Rome.
845 W Harrison St.
1100 A+ D Studios
All lectures are open to the public.