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Art & Art History

Gnathonemus Petersii

Tuesday, October 13, 2009–Saturday, November 21, 2009
Gallery 400
400 South Peoria Street, Chicago, IL 60607

View times

Alex Halsted and David More

Gnathonemus Petersii is a unique collaboration between musician Alex Halsted and sound artist David Moré. Halsted emits a constant pulse that forms an electrical field that surrounds her body, disturbances to this field she interprets as obstacle, food, or mate. During performance, Moré works with this signal, processing it audibly and transforming the signal with various effects. On view during the exhibition will be a sound installation by Halsted and Moré, and handmade tape and vinyl recordings for sale. Halsted and Moré, in collaboration with other musicians and sound artists, will also create a series of new performances in the gallery. In an engaging format, Gnathonemus Petersii mixes together elements of displacement, interspecies communications, and the commercialism of sound.

Gnathonemus Petersii was commissioned as one of the projects in the 2009–10 At the Edge: Innovative Art in Chicago

Gnathonemus Petersii is presented concurrently with HALFULL and Reflection: a video program and Project #12.