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Art & Art History

Echo Local

Tuesday, November 09, 2004–Saturday, November 27, 2004
Gallery 400
400 South Peoria Street, Chicago, IL 60607

View times

Paul Lloyd Sargent, Graeme Miller and John Smith, Bill Talsma, Michelle Teran, and Deborah Stratman

Organized by Paul Lloyd Sargent, Echo Local is a group exhibition of sound-based works by six artists, including Graeme Miller, John Smith, Paul Lloyd Sargent, and Bill Talsma, who used unique methods of documenting and mapping geographical space. Works in the exhibition include hundreds of samples of found audiocassette tapes, individually bagged, labeled, and pinned to the gallery wall; an auditory catalogue of responses to a phone solicitation; and a radio broadcast of discarded audio.

Echo Local was commissioned as one of the projects in the 2004 At the Edge: Innovative Art in Chicago

Echo Local is presented concurrently with Mix Tape.
