Career Fair

2016 Career Fair
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
12–3pm, 1100 A+D Studios
845 West Harrison Street
The Career Fair provides employers with an opportunity to interact with over 400 graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in the UIC School of Architecture.
To participate in the 2016 Career Fair, please submit a registration form (.pdf download), along with the $125 registration fee, by Friday March 11, 2016. Space for participants is limited; entries will be honored on a first come, first served basis, so please register early.
Registration is available by mail, fax, or phone.
By Mail:
Submit completed registration form to:
UIC School of ArchitectureAttn: Career Fair
845 West Harrison Street
Rm 3100 A+DS (MC030)
Chicago, IL 60607-7024
By Fax:
Submit completed registration form to 312.413.4488.
By Phone:
Call 312.996.3335
Registration fee includes display table, boxed lunch for up to two representatives, on-campus parking permit, and compiled .pdf of student resumes.
All proceeds from the Career Fair help fund student awards, projects, and events at the School.
For more information, contact:
Amy Guo