Career Fair 2018

2018 Career Fair
March 21, 2018
Gallery 1100
Setup: 11am – 12pm
Fair: 12pm – 3pm
Lunch available for representatives at 11:30am
The Career Fair is an annual School of Architecture event that provides employers with an opportunity to interact with the 400 graduate and undergraduate students currently enrolled in the UIC School of Architecture.
The registration fee for the Career Fair will be $125 for up to two representatives per firm or practice. This fee includes one table per employer, a boxed lunch for up to two representatives, validated parking, and a compiled PDF of student resumés. All remaining proceeds from the Career Fair go toward the funding of student awards, projects, and events at the School.
Student participation is limited to current UIC School of Architecture students.
For more information, please contact:
Gwen Fullenkamp at