Admitted Graduate Student Open House Week

Monday, March 29, 2021–Friday, April 02, 2021
All admitted graduate students are invited to join us for a week of events to learn more about the School of Architecture. All events will be held virtually on Zoom. Events are open only to graduate students who have been admitted for the Fall 2021 semester except where otherwise indicated.
RSVP here
Monday, March 29
5pm – Introduction to the school
Director Bob Somol will discuss the school’s history, approach to architecture, and student and faculty work. All admitted students are strongly encouraged to attend this session.
5:45pm – Faculty discussion
Bob Somol will moderate a discussion with graduate faculty, including Paul Andersen, Penelope Dean, Sarah Dunn, and Sam Jacob.
Tuesday, March 30
10:30–11:30am – Open tech seminar
Students are invited to sit in on Paul Preissner’s section of Arch 564, Architectural Technology IV. View a course description.
1–2pm – Student panel
Graduate Advisor Gwen Fullenkamp will moderate a discussion with current graduate students. Prospective students will be encouraged to ask questions!
Wednesday, March 31
1–2pm – Open faculty Work In Progress*
David Brown, Professor and Artistic Director of the 2021 Chicago Architecture Biennial, will discuss his in-progress work on the Biennial. This is one in a series of work in progress events that are typically open only to faculty.
Thursday, April 1
12:30–3:15pm – Open theory seminar
Students are invited to sit in on Francesco Marullo’s section of Arch 586, Architectural Theory and History IV. View a course description.
5–6pm – Alumni panel
Jayne Kelley will lead a discussion with graduate alumni. Panelists will discuss their time at UIC and what they’ve done since graduating.
Friday, April 2
4:30–5pm – Final Q+A session
Bob Somol and Gwen Fullenkamp will be available to answer any additional questions.
5–6pm – Open studio: The Orthogonal and Not*
Andrew Zago and his final-year graduate students will present the in-progress work from their Arch 566 Research Seminar. View a course description.
*Open to all prospective students, not just those admitted for Fall 2021.