Theatre & Music
Join an Ensemble: Audition Now

All UIC ensembles are open to students from across our campus. Our auditions are not for deciding acceptance, but to determine which ensemble would be the best fit for you so that you can join in the music making at UIC.
Auditions for all choral ensembles will take place during the first week of each semester. Plan to attend the first meeting of the ensemble(s) that you wish to join. Auditions will take place on the first meeting day and may continue in subsequent meeting days. Auditions are for ensemble placement, as well as entrance into Chamber Choir (MUS 154).
Audition repertoire:
- Sing your voice part's line of Follow the Sun (PDF download here). If you are unfamiliar with the Spanish language, sing the notes on the syllable "la."
- Be prepared to sing your part on both Follow the Sun AND the Renaissance excercise on the page that follows.
- Bring this completed form to your audition.