Jacob McLaughlin wins Schiff Fellowship in Design

We are pleased to announce that Master of Architecture graduate Jacob McLaughlin (MArch 2017) is this year's recipient of the prestigious Schiff Foundation Fellowship in Design.
First granted in 1989 and administered by the Department of Architecture and Design at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Schiff Foundation Fellowship is given annually to one student from either the University of Illinois at Chicago, The Illinois Institute of Technology, or The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. The winning student's portfolio becomes part of the permanent collection of architectural drawings housed within the Ernest R. Graham Study Center for Architectural Drawings.
McLaughlin's project, A Manifesto for Idiosyncratic Architecture, is based on a set of design principles distilled from an extensive study of mid-century ranch style houses across the United States. With an emphasis on "quirkiness" which challenges conventional sensibilities in architecture, McLaughlin applied these principles to the design of three houses, each house embodying a different interpretation of how part-to-whole relationships can develop through excessive repetition of architectural elements.
This is the third year in a row that a UIC student has won the Schiff Fellowship in Design.