Clare Lyster to co-curate Irish Pavilion at 2020 Venice Biennale

Associate Professor Clare Lyster is part of a multidisciplinary team commissioned to curate the Irish Pavilion at the 2020 Venice Architecture Biennale. The team, a research and design collaborative called Annex, consists of six architects, artists, and urbanists: Lyster, Sven Anderson, Alan Butler, David Capener, Donal Lally, and Fiona McDermott.
Their pavilion will be titled “Entanglement” and will explore the social, environmental, and cultural changes brought about by network and communications technologies in the production of space—a condition of particular interest in Ireland, a country with a significant and perhaps unexpected role in the history of telecommunications. Lyster’s current fourth-year undergraduate option studio, “Entangled Ecologies,” is driven by related research.
More information on the project will appear on Annex’s website this fall. The biennale opens May 23, 2020.