Alexander Eisenschmidt curates Candela exhibition at Gallery 400

Felix Candela's Concrete Shell's: An Engineered Architecture for México and Chicago
Curated by Alexander Eisenschmidt
Originated by Juan Ignacio del Cueto Ruiz-Funes
Opening Reception:
Friday, January 19
5–8 pm
Alexander Eisenschmidt and Juan Ignacio del Cueto
Saturday, January 20
2 pm
This exhibition focuses on one of the most prolific architects of the 20th century, his advanced geometric designs, and his influence on contemporary architecture. In the 1950's and 60s, Candela built many of his signature shell structures in México. His continuous curved surfaces of minimal thickness were designed using hyperbolic parabaloid geometries. These structural advancements also brought new textural and atmospheric qualities to the social and communal spaces they shelter. The exhibition explores Candela's legacy through photographs, architectural models, and plans, as well as materials related to his time as a professor at the UIC School of Architecture from 1971 to 1978.
Gallery 400
400 South Peoria Street (MC 034)
Chicago, IL 60607
Chicago, IL 60607