Alexander Eisenschmidt at University of Illinois Chicago first edition of SparkTalks

Associate Professor Alexander Eisenschmidt, who organized a conference, At Home with the Collective: A Summit on Communal Housing, and designed a prototype one-room house, spoke at the University of Illinois Chicago's first edition of SparkTalks. The new series hosted by the Office of the Chancellor showcases UIC faculty who speak about their work in front of an audience of their peers, the Board of Trustees, and other members of the UIC community.
From Debut SparkTalks provides whirlwind tour of UIC discovery, impact:
At the inaugural SparkTalks event, held Nov. 17, three dozen speakers spoke about a broad range of topics, including housing and segregation, environmental justice, civic engagement and health equity. Presenters from across 16 UIC colleges and schools talked about how their work addresses some of the most consequential topics in medicine and public health, technology, social justice, education and workforce development, among others.