Art & Art History
Voices: David Rueter

Gallery 400
400 S. Peoria St.
In this artist talk, David Allan Rueter will discuss his current work and creative practice. Rueter is a visual artist, programmer, and visiting professor in New Media Arts at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His creative practice makes use of a range of new technologies and a variety of traditional media, including sculpture, photography, film, and performance. At the core of his work is a focus on the social practices embedded in both new and old technologies, the ways these practices can reinforce or challenge established categories and hierarchies, and the politics of visibility these practices engender and operate within.
Rueter is a graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s MFA program in Art and Technology Studies and Oberlin College with a BA in Politics and a focus in Political Theory. His work has been exhibited internationally at galleries and festivals including Contemporary Art Brussels, the International Symposium on Electronic Art, and Northern Spark.