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Art & Art History

Abu Ghraib: the Pornography of Warfare Symposium

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

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What do the Abu Ghraib photographs tell us about the American War on Terror? About American beliefs and tastes? About visual culture as it relates to this and other wars? This symposium offers wide-ranging perspectives on the photographic legacy of Abu Ghraib by eminent scholars from the Chicago area.

State of the Union: Jesus Comes to Abu Ghraib,” W.J.T. Mitchell, University of Chicago

The Abu Ghraib Effect: Art and the Apologetics of Power,” Stephen Eisenman, Northwestern University

National Visual Culture and the War in Iraq,” Shawn Michelle Smith, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

The Self-Shattering Peace: War and Sexuality,” Gregg Bordowitz, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Peter Bacon Hales, University of Illinois, Respondent

Organized by Hannah Higgins, University of Illinois at Chicago, Associate Professor.